
Kid x Reader Part 2

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LalahBug's avatar

Literature Text

Bbbeeeeepppp beep beep bbbeeeeepppp

You groaned and leaned over and hit your alarm. Then sat up slow rubbing your eyes and sitting cross-legged on your bed then looked at your alarm. "I really hate living so far away from school." You thought briefly.
"5 a.m. is not normal to my body!" You groaned out loud then flopped back onto your bed and spaced out for a minute then shot right up. "Kid is walking me home today!" You quickly got out of bed running to bathroom to brush your (h/l) (h/c) grabbing one of your black headbands and pushing it into your hair pushing your bangs completely back. You ran into the kitchen then stopped and blushed.
'Why am I getting so excited over someone I only talked to once?' You thought to yourself. 'It's true he was cute with those odd three stripes and his yellow eyes made him more interesting. Plus he was very nice.' Thinking to yourself. You slowly grabbed a bowl, favorite cereal, spoon and milk. You fixed your breakfast slowly, deep in thought. 'Do I like him?' You questioned yourself, while in thought, then felt your cheeks warm up. 'Maybe I do... No maybe I'm just excited to have someone other than teachers to talk to me. Yeah that's right. I'm excited and hoping to have a friend at the DWMA.' You nodded to yourself then continued to get ready for school at normally pace. You grabbed your things for the day like; your books, your iPod and headphones, gym bag, your necklace, your wrist watch (which you never wore just kept in your pocket), house keys and jacket. You double checked to make sure you had everything then left the house locking the door behind you. You left right on time 5:25.
You pulled out your iPod and headphones and listened to you iPod. Then pulling the last book you had to read, reading as you walked to school. The book was the one on symmetry that Kid had asked about, it was short about 75 pages.

~~Mini Time Skip to DMWA Library~~

The library was a mess, which is why reading all the books in the library was a challenge. They weren't in order and it bugged you to a point but not enough to fix it by yourself. Maybe you would some day. You usually put the books back where you found them in their piles. You didn't read the books in order you just grabbed the first ones you found that you hadn't read. You respected books and their authors. There was a person with pinkish hair standing on a book, you were mad but decided to be nice to them.
"You are standing on a book. Can you kindly get off of it?" The person with pinkish hair jumped then quickly got off of the book. You smiled, he was more jumpy than you. Making you relax a bit. "Thank you." He was shaking you wondered what was wrong. "Hey my name is _____. What is yours?" You asked him softly.
"M-m-my nam-name is C-Cr-Crona." He asked back even softer than your speech. You smiled at him and he looked down.
"If you feel bad about standing on the book, it is okay. This place isn't really organized and the books are lying around everywhere. You have to be watching where you are going to try and even avoid them." He was still silent. "Did I scare you? Are you okay?" You leaned a bit closely to him trying to see his face. You respected people's space usually and rarely touched anyone. You weren't really the touchy, feely type. Then you leaned back remembering that.
"N-no. You didn't s-scare me."
"Then what's wrong Crona?"
"I-I'm waiting for a friend here and s-she's late."
You pulled out your watch, it was 6:32. "What time was she supposed to be here?" You asked trying to help.
"She's only 2 minutes late, I'm sure she'll show up, Crona." You looked at him for a moment he was looking at you. "Why don't you wait closer the doors," you pointed "over there so she can find you easier? You are kind of in the back of the library, you know."
He nodded then looked at you. "W-wo-would you w-wait with m-me?"
You smiled. "I can do that, just one moment." You grabbed three more books then walked with him over by the doors. Silence fell between you too.
He broke it first. "D-do you like to r-read?"
"I do. Do you?"
"No. N-not really. My friend I'm waiting for does t-though."
"What's her name?" You only asked to keep the conversation going.
"Maka." You thought for a moment, why did that name sound familiar? "I'm not just waiting on her though, she is being all her friends I t-think. I just k-know Maka the best."
You nodded then looked at your watch, 6:39. Then the doors opened and a girl with sandy brown pigtails and green eyes walked in. A kid behind her had white hair and red eyes. Another had blue hair with a star on his shoulder, a girl next to him, had a long black ponytail and a star on her breast. "I'm so sorry I'm late Crona! Black*Star was dragging behind and Soul was walking SO slowly." She quickly explained and all worries seemed to wipe from Crona's face. She looked at you now, "Hello, I'm Maka, who are you?"
"My name is ______." You said softly.
"I'M THE GREAT BLACK*STAR---." You hit him on the head with a book suddenly. The blue haired boy was rubbing his head.
"This is a library please use a softer voice." You said softly and calmly. The white haired kid was snickering at Black*Star then whispered in Maka's ear.
She looked at you, "Aren't you in Stein's class too?"
Then it clicked, she was the smart girl Stein called on a lot. "Yes." You whisper. Being near all these people and souls made you uncomfortable for some reason. It was probably because you weren't used to talking to such a big group of people.
"Stein calls you to talk to him after class everyday doesn't he?" Soul asked boldly.
"Almost every day..." You whispered softly thinking of your thought to trying and stopping that. Stein was kind of a dad to you, but you didn't have to live the creepy guy.
"Why does he do that?" Maka asked, tilting her head a bit.
"He worries about me, I think..." You spoke a bit less soft. You wanted to leave, but you also wanted to make some acquaintances.
"Isn't that guy creepy to you though?" The white haired said quickly.
"A bit. He's nice to me and I kinda think of him as a father. He looks out for me and is always asking about my health and activities." You told him. You looked at your watch it was now 6:47. You were now 2 minutes behind your daily routine. "I need to get going. It was nice to meet you Crona, Maka and Black*Star." You bowed slightly then looked at the other whose name you didn't know. "Maybe we can talk later." You were addressing all of them. Then walked away quickly but with a smile on your face. You were beginning to make acquaintances.
You were at the gym in the school and put your gym bag in your locker down there. Then heading to class, watching your feet as you walked, just like always.

~~Time Skip to 7 a.m.~~

In class, in your front seat over by the window and bell rang. You were looking out the window the whole time as Stein talked about today's dissection on some poor animal. You had a note excusing you from all dissection lessons. You mainly showed up for attendance then left when Stein started the dissections. You hated seeing animals dissected, you loved animals and it made you sick and mad to see those things done to animals, alive or not. You were walking across the front of the room as usual when you heard some calling your name softly, you looked up. It was Kid, he was waving to you, you smiled softly with slight blush on your cheeks and waved back then walked out of the classroom.
Down in the gym you changed into your sports bra and black shorts that went to your knees. No one was ever down here which was why you loved it so much. It was downstairs so it was always cold which was good for when you worked out hard enough to sweat. You did you normal routine; 15 minutes of running, 25 girl push-ups and 25 military push-ups, 5 minutes of planks, 30 minutes of jogging, 50 squats, 100 ground sit ups, 20 lunges on each leg then walking until your heart-rate goes to normal, all this with tons of water and tons of breaks. You stretched after everything then showered and change into your normal clothes. By the time you were done in the gym it was about 11 a.m. You headed to library; you needed to kill about 90 minutes. Today you decided to clean up the library, to prevent people from stepping on the books. You got one half of the room done when the bell rang signaling lunch time, 11:30. You went to the cafe outside of the school and got your usual coffee and tried the next thing on the menu. You still had time today so you walked back to your school to talk to Stein. Today you were actually staring at the sky. You decided to not go to Stein and just sit outside and look at the sky. You were in sitting in front of the DWMA when you noticed someone was standing in front of you.
"Hello, _____." You looked down a bit from the sky to the face in front of you. It was Kid and you smiled at him.
"Hello Kid."
"May I sit next to you?"
"Yeah." You said trying to control your blush.
"So yesterday, I asked you if I could walk you home. Your reply was kinda a squeak then you ran off. Was that squeaking a yes or a no?" He asked kinda smug and looking at you out of the corner of his eye.
You blushed madly; you could have sworn you actually spoke rather than squeaking! "It was a yes." You mumbled softly. You saw him smile.
"_____, may I ask a personal question?"
You paused then nodded yes.
"You're not used to people, are you?"
"No, I'm not."
"You're not a touchy feely person, are you?"
"I thought so. I noticed that when you didn't shake my hand. Also when you flinched when I went to fix your hair."
"If you knew then why did you ask?" You retorted quickly.
"I said, 'I thought so' not I knew. I had to ask and confirm it." He laughed softly then it was quiet for a bit as you stared back up at the sky. Your head rest gently against the wall behind you. You didn't notice but Kid was staring at you. 'What great symmetry she has when her hair is back!' He awed inside of his head. He broke the silence, "Where do you go during the dissections by the way?"
"To the gym downstairs then the library." You answered simply. You knew how to deal with people and you were only shy at first. You didn't mind answering most things because you didn't have a lot to hide. If you didn't want to answer it, it was because it brought back bad memories. You were pretty innocent and naive though. If someone ever asked you if you ever done 'it' you would ask what 'it' they were referring to?
"How did you get out of the dissections though?"
"Lord Death is very nice to me. Ever since my last partner he has taken me under his wing. He kinda treats me as like a daughter-in-law or something." You giggled softly. "He's like a dad, just like Stein." You looked at Kid resting your head on your knees. "Isn't he your dad?"
"Yeah he is. I understand what you mean; he is a great father-figure."
"Did he ever mention me?" You wondered out loud.
Kid answered you anyways. "He mentioned a young strong girl that had been through a lot. She doesn't show much fear in battle but does show some fear to people."
"I have a training session with Lord Death and Spirit Friday after school."
"Hopefully you get strong." He smiled directly at you and looked away blushing: his smile was breathtaking. "What's wrong?" He asked you. You didn't want to face him with blush so bad on your face. You were now thinking what if you really did become Lord Death's daughter-in-law.
The bell rang ending lunch, 'saved by the bell' you thought then got up ran to class. Stein greeted you as you came in and you waved to him. You sat down in your seat and put your head down trying to calm down. School ended in 2 hours, and you really couldn't wait to walk with Kid!
My first fanfic... Wasn't sure of the category thingy..
I do not own any characters from Soul Eater.
I found the picture on Google, also not mine
Picture - [link]

Any grammar errors please tell me!

Part one - [link]

Next: [link]
© 2012 - 2024 LalahBug
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Shadowfinder101's avatar
I'm very anti-social. And by that I don't mean shy, I mean i get angry easily, and I can pick up fights very easily.